Nov 8, 2007

First photo on the way!

Before the market!

Nice saturday in the way to the market in the south of Rotterdam. The trees are getting ready for the winter. I'm also getting ready by going back home (to Medellín!). ;)

Nov 1, 2007

Funeral Blues by W. H. Auden

Funeral Blues
W. H. Auden

Stop all the clocks, cut off the telephone,
Prevent the dog from barking with a juicy bone,
Silence the pianos and with muffled drum
Bring out the coffin, let the mourners come.

Let aeroplanes circle moaning overhead
Scribbling on the sky the message He Is Dead.
Put crepe bows round the white necks of public doves,
Let the traffic policemen wear black cotton gloves.

He was my North, my South, my East and West.
My working week and my Sunday rest,
My noon, my midnight, my talk, my song;
I thought that love would last forever; I was wrong.

The stars are not wanted now: put out every one;
Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun;
Pour away the ocean and sweep up the wood;
For nothing now can ever come to any good.

Since long I have been thinking to place this poem here.
It is beautiful, touching and modern...
Poetry is not my favorite genre, but this poem is an exception.

Oct 9, 2007

Butter cookies!

After the success of the cookies yesterday at my dutch lesson, I decided to write the recipe in english here. It comes from a spanish site Tus Recetas de Cocina.

If someone makes it, just let me know how they tasted!

Ingredients: 125g butter, 50g [refined/bastard in dutch] sugar and 170 g. flour.
how to make it:
  1. mix the flour, the sugar and the butter in a big bowl by hand till the mixture is soft and homogeneous.
  2. divide the mixture (dough) and give shape to the cookies. The recommended thickness is about half a centimeter.
  3. set the cookies on baking paper or in something with some flour (to avoid the cookies to stick)
  4. put the cookies in the oven for 15min. in 180 oC (or 350 oF)
  5. leave the cookies out of the oven for some time (to get them cold and crunchy!)
  6. eat them! :) or take some and invite for coffee or thee!
The dough I got in step 2, I divided in two parts, and I mixed one of them with cacao (those are the dark brown cookies). It is also recommended to use cinnamon or nuts or raisins.

May be I can translate this into Dutch, for the exercise.
:---------------------------------------) <-- that's my growing nose.

EDIT: I got another link to a very delicious recipe for cookies.

Sep 20, 2007

Entre canibales...

Soda Stereo (long time ago) and their song "entre canibales" have been prowling around in my head the whole day, and I wonder why.

One image that keeps on coming is Roberto playing guitar, Jota playing clave, a girl --whose name I forgot-- and me "singing" entre canibales in Roberto's apartment some years ago in Karlshof. And then I realize that I miss going for coffee or chocolate with this friend of mine. Are you still around? how does it go with you?

Sep 19, 2007

Open Water Diver

Some weeks ago I got my open water diver lessons, and certification! :)

I'm pretty happy with it. :)
Diving seems to be a nice (although expensive) hobby... and it is the closest you can get to making my platonic dream true: To swim near to the bottom, surrounded by fishes and [here comes the platonic part] do not need air to keep going.

But diving proved itself to be more than I thought. It is not only to learn to breath from a tank (through your mouth), but also to get aware of water pressure, air density, nitrogen/oxygen and the way they affect you while underwater... and on top of that you need learn to float in mid-water (buoyancy) . It may sound simple, but kept me busy for most of my time underwater...

I learned here in Holland, to be more precise in Zeeland. The first dives were in the Bergsediepsluis (photo). The last 2 dives were in De Greveligen. It did not sound very appealing for me, at the beginning, to dive in this cold and muddy waters, but I was surprised to see so much life. Dicky (my instructor) dives very often in Zeeland, and she has very beautiful photos.

Anyway, I liked it! and liked it a lot!! :) and I'm looking forwards to go underwater again.

Jun 26, 2007

Musical instruments

This photo was taken long time ago. There are the instruments we brought from Colombia (patria querida) in our first trip together. Wouter was very impressed with the quality of the instr. you can buy, and he thought about creating an importing bussines. From that now the memory is the only thing left.

Esta foto fue tomada hace mucho tiempo. En la mesa se ven los instrumentos musicales que trajimos de Colombia en nuestro primer viaje juntos. Wouter quería montar una empresa para importar instrumentos, pues le impresionó la calidad que se puede obtener con precios mas que razonables. La idea se fue con el tiempo.


Evidence's shown that my writting skills are not my high point. Also my PhD is suffering for this. Nevertheless, to try and keep alive (if it ever was) this blog, I decided to post photos once in a while, with a little comment. So here I start.

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