Feb 28, 2008


Typhoid fever / Fiebre tifoidea (??): check!
DTP / Difteria, tetanus & polio: check!
Hepatitis A: check!

Ready to launch, direction Nepal...

Feb 18, 2008

Friday and Monday

Viernes, Friday, Vrijdag 15-02-2007

Lunes, Monday, Maandag 18-02-2007

Feb 14, 2008

New cellphone

I'm looking for a new cellphone... a camera cellphone.
and the candidates are:
  1. Sony Ericsson K850i
    (I currently have K750i, where most the photos from this blog come from).
  2. LG KU990
  3. Nokia N95 8Gb
  4. Samsung G600
Any suggestion???

Feb 13, 2008

Spring is in the air! :)


Every day we are walking from Sarah's house to the Daniel. It's about 25 min. walking in a good pace. In the way, I can not avoid looking at the changes that seasons bring into the landscape. Here are just three photos in a foggy day, taken today in the morning.

In this bush, only some flowers were out. Not a single leaf. Because of the changes in the temperature, most flowers are gone now, but there is still a little and beautiful pink flower around!

Feb 12, 2008

Cold and sunny day in Rotterdam

Just two photos I took yesterday coming to work!

And I want a new cellphone with a nice camera!!!
I've thought of one of the cybershot series from Sony Ericsson...
any suggestion?

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